Saturday, October 29, 2005
I had a very simple way to make any tool for myself using IE, XML and javascript with HTML-DOM for past several years. They worked without any server and could do various things (like todo lists, contacts, ascii codes, hex converters etc.) And now I hear that this way (with XMLHttpRequest for server communication) is called AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology :).
Friday, October 28, 2005
Of course all of you bloggers want your blog to be read by as many readers as possible. Presenting your feed in some universal format (without making would-be subscriber to choose between various formats like RSS, atom, etc.) helps a lot while achieving this goal. You also may be curious how many subscribers you feed has. I guess I won’t be very original saying, that FeedBurner tool suites perfectly in such cases.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Joomla! templates
I guess you know Joomla! – its probably one of the best open source CMS. In short, it’s another name for Mambo Here are some places to find design templates for Joomla!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
One more issue concerning ActionScript 2
Just noticed. You will get a static array type property if you initialize it in your class declaration like
public var a = new Array(); or public var a = [];.
This should be done in constructor instead.
public var a = new Array(); or public var a = [];.
This should be done in constructor instead.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Interesting (but useless) ideas
Here are two sites, which are built based on quite interesting way of selling page area. Interesting, but seems useless for me…
Million dollar homepage
The world‘s tallest virtual building
Million dollar homepage
The world‘s tallest virtual building
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
ParamArray reserved in vbScript
Interesting thing happened today… I thought I know pretty much about vbScript. Still I stumbled upon unexpected error today, when I called one of my variables ParamArray. Never thought it is reserved…
Here they are all (case insensitive, of course):
And As Boolean ByRef Byte ByVal Call Case Class Const Currency Debug Dim Do Double Each Else ElseIf Empty End EndIf Enum Eqv Event Exit False For Function Get Goto If Imp Implements In Integer Is Let Like Long Loop LSet Me Mod New Next Not Nothing Null On Option Optional Or ParamArray Preserve Private Public RaiseEvent ReDim Rem Resume RSet Select Set Shared Single Static Stop Sub Then To True Type TypeOf Until Variant WEnd While With Xor
Here they are all (case insensitive, of course):
And As Boolean ByRef Byte ByVal Call Case Class Const Currency Debug Dim Do Double Each Else ElseIf Empty End EndIf Enum Eqv Event Exit False For Function Get Goto If Imp Implements In Integer Is Let Like Long Loop LSet Me Mod New Next Not Nothing Null On Option Optional Or ParamArray Preserve Private Public RaiseEvent ReDim Rem Resume RSet Select Set Shared Single Static Stop Sub Then To True Type TypeOf Until Variant WEnd While With Xor
Monday, October 17, 2005
Flash cell renderer API bug
I thought, that macromedia flash v2 components are bugs-free by now. Still that’s not true. We found quite obvious one – if you use a cell renderer which changes it’s size (combo box for example) in DataGrid component, you can see that its y coordinate changes (up or down, depending on size increase / decrease) then you resize columns. It’s a bug in DataGridRow class:
Var h=__height;
cell._y = (h-cell._height)/2;
We picked such workaround – combo cells setSize function invokes setInterval function for one time, which sets cells y property back to zero.
Var h=__height;
cell._y = (h-cell._height)/2;
We picked such workaround – combo cells setSize function invokes setInterval function for one time, which sets cells y property back to zero.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Jakob Nielsen and flash UI
Everyone should agree, that UI (user interface) is a crucial part of most applications. It interacts with user. It makes user like or hate our programs. It is obvious, that no UI interface can be nice and convenient for everyone. But if you wish to get close to that, you should consider reading Jakob Nielsen thoughts here.
For me, of course, articles concerning flash are most interesting:
Flash: 99% Bad
Flash and Web-Based Applications
For me, of course, articles concerning flash are most interesting:
Flash: 99% Bad
Flash and Web-Based Applications
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I always wondered if there are any interesting and fun applications based on Google’s API. Of course, there are. And Googlefight is one of them. How, do you think, who will win a fight between ASP and PHP?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Link [ru]
For you guys, who understand Russian, I found an interesting site with lots useful article about various aspects of programming:
Monday, October 10, 2005
Google Reader
Have you heard, that Google launched a feed Reader service as an experiment on Google Labs?
Thursday, October 06, 2005
doc 2 pdf
Have you ever needed to create a pdf file from your word document? I did. Gladly there is a very simple and low-cost solution – just install PDF printer (virtual printer) and send any document to it. The output will be pdf you needed. You can find some pdf printers here:
OpenSource solution:
Example of pdf printer (with free trial):
Google for others.. :)
OpenSource solution:
Example of pdf printer (with free trial):
Google for others.. :)
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
A few blog directories
After blogging for some time a natural thought comes – what should I do, that more people would be able to read it? Maybe I should place it to some public blog catalogs? So here are some of these, that could be found after some googling (this blog was submitted there too):