IT world observations

Just sharing my knowledge about the internet, programming, etc.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

File splitter

Never faced a problem while trying to bring home (work, university, etc.) one large chunk of information (500MB movie or install file for example) using two or three oldies – 128MB or 256MB USB keys? I did. And file splitting software was a real salvation for me. I used GSplit 2.0. That nice tool can split your file to several pieces (you can specify size, of course) and makes small .exe file, which combines them.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Look, what an interesting program I’ve found! This tool, called Recolored should be used for colorizing black and white photos. It was free and beta not long ago, but now, sadly, they released version 1.0 and now offer only 21-day trial…

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Measure Map

Most of you have already heard about Measure Map. Yes. Google bought it and now offers various statistics about your blog. It is like Google Analytics dedicated for blogs. Sadly, I submitted my email address about a week ago, but nothing happened since then…

Friday, February 10, 2006

Google Desktop version 3

Google desktop 3
So, seems that news from Google are not going to stop. After presenting toolbar version 4 and integrating GTalk to GMail, Google offers Desktop Search version 3. Here you can drag your favorite panels on the desktop wherever you like, share sidebar panels with your contacts, play online games and even search on remote computers.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Google puts GTalk chat archives to GMail

GMail chatYesterday GTalk asked me permission for storing all chats in GMail archives. I agreed, of course. (I have nothing to hide, anyway). But still will it be useful? Probably. At least there will be no need of copy-pasting to word or mail the excerpts of chats you want to remember.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Google toolbar version 4

I installed a new version of google toolbar (version 4) about a week ago. So now I can provide some my experience about that.
Custom buttons are cool. Can’t say that they are very helpful by now, but they are cool.
Gmail button is nice – you can see all your unread letter as drop down menu and open any of them directly.
“Previous result” and “Next result” – these ones are my favorites. Extremely convenient.
Bookmark – At last. I really waited for this service. Tried Spurl! and others, but at last google integrated it the way I need.
PageRank, Check spelling, Fill form – these are already known from previous versions.
“Up one level” – seems convenient too – you don’t have to modify URL yourself to go one level up.
Send to – another simple feature, which lets you gmail or blog page or a part of it you are currently viewing.
Voting – that is something experimental, I guess… Let’s leave it for better days.
Highlight search terms – yep, you know that.