SourceForge. All time top downloads
SourceForge had climbed over 100,000 projects not long ago. Of course there are many excellent products (free and open!) hosted at SourceForge. What kind of them are most downloaded? Lets look at Top10:
70% of Top10 products (and 86.57% of Top10 downloads) are used for P2P, File Exchange and sharing. Two of the three remaining products are CD-Ripper and video processing and capture software. It seems that everyone likes FREE and convenient tools to get some stuff (usually EXPENSIVE) for FREE :)
- eMule (153,039,241)
- Azureus - BitTorrent Client (107,753,356)
- BitTorrent (51,596,430)
- DC++ (32,588,745)
- CDex (26,270,294)
- VirtualDub (22,893,297)
- Shareaza (15,566,016)
- Ares Galaxy (11,166,604)
- eMule Plus (10,723,367)
- ZSNES (10,185,864)
70% of Top10 products (and 86.57% of Top10 downloads) are used for P2P, File Exchange and sharing. Two of the three remaining products are CD-Ripper and video processing and capture software. It seems that everyone likes FREE and convenient tools to get some stuff (usually EXPENSIVE) for FREE :)